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We are a leader in technologies for the self-directed online trader.Traders and active investors have, for years, used TradeStation’s trading platforms and online brokerage services to design and create, analyze, test, optimize, monitor, automate and execute their custom trading strategies for decades. Now, a generation raised on app-based services is also using TradeStation’s analysis and trading platform to build trading knowledge and to identify and act on opportunities.Self-directed traders and active investors are drawn to TradeStation’s reliable, and versatile platform for equities, options, and futures, as well as cryptocurrencies. TradeStation is a self-clearing broker dealer and futures commission merchant (FCM) with offerings that include hundreds of charting, analysis and testing tools which, together with numerous advanced order placement functions, are designed to build discipline and confidence for the self-directed trader and active investor and for those ready to take that next step. TradeStation’s technology has adapted over time, and is accessible on desktop, web, mobile and, via TradeStation’s state-of-the-art application programming interface (API) technologies, third-party trading analysis applications which connect to TradeStation’s brokerage environment.